I’ve recently started a new group coaching session called ‘The Coaching Club’, and my reason for doing it is to help my clients to understand the workings of their mind so they can start to coach themselves. It’s designed for people who are dedicated to personal and professional development, who want some useful tools and techniques to help themselves when they get stuck. Coaching club is for people who are committed to being their best selves and are willing to put some time into understanding and helping themselves.
It takes courage to really look at yourself and get to know and understand why you do the things you do. It’s not easy to do this with kindness and compassion. Often we’re so hard on ourselves that anytime we notice that we’ve made a mistake or not been ‘on form’, we give ourselves such an internal berating or beating that we don’t want to go there.
What we’re learning in the Coaching Club is how to observe our default patterns without taking them personally, and be compassionate with ourselves.
Each session is stand alone, yet they all tie in together. I have personally found it enlightening to understand the concepts I’m teaching, and work with them daily to clear the clutter from my mind. It’s like brushing my mental teeth each day so that I avoid mental health problems.
Tonight we’re diving deeply into understanding our thoughts, what the different types of thoughts are, and where we learnt to think this way. Once we understand that most of our default thought patterns are inherited not created, we start to take them less personally, which takes away the shame that’s often associated with mental health problems.
We’re also looking at cognitive distortions – common misunderstandings or patterns of thought that are not helpful. Identifying our go-to patterns is also enlightening because once we can see them, they are no longer controlling us. We can start to notice them quickly when they appear and do something to change them.
So once you can see and understand where you’re going astray with your thinking, and identify your patterns, we’ll then look at some of the ways you can change your thoughts and create new neural pathways. Changing your thinking is possible, but it takes practice, just as building new muscles or learning new skills takes patience and persistence.
Other factors that influence your success in changing your mindset are the people you associate with; the material you read, watch and listen to; and the overall quality of your environment.
If you want to change the quality of your life, it begins with changing your thoughts.
To find out more about the coaching club click here.
To book in for a class, click here.
To book a one on one coaching or hypnotherapy session click here.